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[ GRUPA 7 ]

Today you will work with your "Smiles 4 Pupil's Book" - Check Point 4

Open the book at page 70. Your first task is to look at the pictures, put a tick or a cross. 

Secondly, do. ex.3 (read and circle the correct words).

Then make sentences (ex.4, p. 71) and finally read the text and complete the gaps (ex.6)

Send the photos of your work to my email Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.  I'll check it :)

I want you to watch this story for teenagers entitled "Princess with Twenty Skirts Story in English"

Let me know if it is difficult or not, if you like it or not :)



[ GRUPA 2  I GRUPA 3 ]

Hello, Today I want you to practise listening skills and have some fun :-)

Watch this story: "THE HUNGRY FOX"



Magdalena ŁAKOMA